Ms. Two-Broken-Wrists thanks her helpers
Many thanks:
- to the friend who made us several days' worth of full-meal-in-a-bowl vegan soup;
- to the friends who drove us to an out-of-town Chanukah party, door-to-door, because I couldn't get on the subway and meet them partway;
- to the friend who lent me a cape because I couldn't get my casts through my coat sleeves;
- to the friend who calls me several times a week to see how I'm doing;
- to the friend who cooked us two weeks' worth of kosher meals, asking only that we pay for the ingredients;
- and most of all, to my poor husband, who helped me through the worst of it, waiting on me practically hand and foot in the beginning, when I had over-the-elbow casts & was almost completely immobilized in the arms---it took a whole month of phone calls to get me a home health aide.
By: Shira Salamone |
Sunday, January 18, 2009 at 1/18/2009 09:38:00 PM |1 comment |