Two very small things, but they made me smile:
- I was in the grocery store last night and a little girl who I was passing told me that I looked pretty. It made me feel good. And then her mother told her that she was a nice girl, so that made me happy to hear also.
- This morning on my very quiet bus, I sneezed. The guy sitting next to me, who I don't know, said "Bless you." It's very small, but rarely happens. :)
By: Shoshana |
Tuesday, September 18, 2007 at 9/18/2007 08:42:00 AM |no comment | 

I have a friend of mine who had a fantastic practice and a big mitzvah. He brings an extra tie to every wedding he attends ( and he's been too many and unfortunately is still single). You have no idea how many times a family member who was getting ready for pictures and had no tie. He gives out these expensive ties and often does not even get them back. That does not stop him from continuing this very thoughtful practice.
By: AS |
Tuesday, September 04, 2007 at 9/04/2007 01:36:00 PM |1 comment | 
Just a small public service announcement if you're in the Kew Gardens Hills area... Camp Simcha is running a cute little lemonade stand on the corner of 141st St. and 70th Avenue (just off Jewel), and an old
chavrusa of mine and his friend are providing a little entertainment on the side, too. Go enjoy and support a very worthy cause!
By: Ezzie |
Monday, September 03, 2007 at 9/03/2007 02:52:00 PM |no comment |